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General Information:

Ventolin is used for treatment or prevention of bronchospasm with reversible obstructive airway disease. Bronchospasm treatable by Ventolin can be of any nature; it can be induced by allergic-type asthma or it can be induced by exercise. It can alleviate asthma attacks. Ventolin is being widely used in rescue inhalers. Ventolin is used in treatment of acute hyperkalemia by way of forcing the flow of potassium into cells, this way taking potassium out of the blood cells; lowering the overall level of potassium in the bloodstream.

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How to use Ventolin (Albuterol)?

Why would you need to know the correct way to use a Ventolin inhaler?

If you do not use your Ventolin inhaler correctly, following step-by-step procedure described below, you may reduce the efficiency of the active ingredient as it might not reach all the target cells inside your lungs. If you will not be able to breathe in a proper way, Ventolin might not treat you the way it should, and you can put yourself in a risky situation.

The step-by-step directions of using Ventolin:

  • Make sure to read instructions on the back of the pack carefully. Also, ask the medical professional you obtained the prescription or consultation from on how to use it.
  • The goal of using Ventolin is to get the maximum possible amount of the active ingredient into the cells of your lungs.
  • If there has been a gap in your Ventolin treatment, make sure an inhaler still operates smoothly by removing the cap from the inhaler and test-spraying around (in the air) a small amount. If the apparatus works properly, make sure to place yourself in such a way, so your chin is parallel to the ground. You can either sit or stand, it doesn’t matter. The chin parallel to the ground ensures that your airways are fully open and ready to receive a dose of an active ingredient of Ventolin.
  • Then, empty your lungs of air as much as possible.
  • Put the inhaler opening into your mouth (not too deep). The proper placement occurs when your teeth are not obstructing the opening and you are able to envelope the tip of the inhaler with your lips.
  • Start breathing in through the inhaler while pressing on the canister.
  • You get one dose of the active ingredient released.
  • Make sure to inhale deeply, sufficient for the aerosol to get into your lungs.
  • Do not breath out while holding your breath.
  • When you start feeling uncomfortable holding your breath, exhale.
  • Wait for around half a minute and see if the operation worked.
  • If the procedure did not run as it should, you can repeat the whole process of inhaling in order to alleviate any difficulties in breathing.
  • If you have noticed after a time that the treatment does not bring the desired effect, make sure to immediately consult your medical professional and see if your condition got worse or you need an inhaler replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ventolin

What is the difference between Albuterol and Ventolin?

Ventolin is the brand name for the active ingredient known in pharmacology as albuterol sulph?te. Albuterol is the generic name used in the United States, while salbutam?l is the internationally-used generic name. Ventolin is a recent example of a new HFA inhaler; Ventolin contains sulphate-d?rivative of albuterol.

Is a Ventolin inhaler a steroid?

Ventolin is not a steroid in the sense that long-acting inhalers are considered steroids.

It should be taking into consideration though that Ventolin works on the bet-2-adrenergic-receptors, responsible for ATP and AMP processes. Non-steroid neurotransmitters/ hormones like melatonin, norepinephrine etc., utilize these processes. Essentially, Ventolin works on the receptors that would normally be affected by the non-steroid hormones.

What are the side effects for Ventolin?

The side effects of using Ventolin are rarely observed. However, they happen, albeit much rarely than they happen with other inhalers.

Common adverse effects of using Ventolin include:

  • Headache,
  • Dizziness;
  • Sleep complications (insomnia);
  • Paradoxical bronchospasm;
  • Coughing, hoarseness in the throat, sore throat,
  • Runny or stuffy nose;
  • Mild nausea, rarely accompanied by vomiting;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Muscle or joint pains;
  • Diarrhea.

Can I get an asthma inhaler over the counter?

In general, the available over the counter treatments for asthma and associated symptoms have little or no effect on airway inflammations. It is not recommended to use over the counter ?sthma treatments unless these have been advised by a medical specialist.

What happens if you take too much of an inhaler?

If you happen to take too many puffs of your Ventolin inhaler, you may experience a n elevated heartbeat, feel shaky or have a mild headache. Too much of a dose of Ventolin can potentially get your acid levels in blood increased, which in its turn, may cause an elevated rate of breathing. All of these effects are rarely observed, are mild, and are quick-passing. In general, it is re3commended to follow the directions to use the inhaler in order to not get an excessive dose of an active ingredient contained in the inhaler.

How many puffs of Ventolin can I take in a day?

If you have a severe asthma attack, you may need more puffs/ doses of Ventolin a day.

In case of a long term treatment of asthma and accompanied symptoms, it is usually recommended to take one or two puffs; four times a day. The maximum daily dose is considered eight puffs for adults.

For children (four years and older): One puff a day four times a day. The maximum dose for children of four years and older is four puffs daily.

What helps if you don’t have Ventolin with you?

Follow this procedure in the unfortunate case you have an asthma attack while not having Ventolin with you:

  • Sit upright immediately.
  • Take very long, very deep breaths. This would help to slow down your breathing and prevent hyp?rventilation.
  • Remain calm.
  • Try to get away from the trigger.
  • Take a hot caff?inated beverage like green tea or coffee.
  • Seek emergency medical help.

How much does Ventolin inhaler cost?

Patients without an insur?nce plan can expect to pay for a Ventolin inhaler somewhere between $25 and $55. The cost varies depending upon the dosage and the manufacturer of an inhaler. Patients with insurance will pay typical co-pays and co-insurance rates available in a country/state/province, which can fall somewhere from $5 for the generic version of Ventolin to $55 for a brand –manufactured version.

What happens if you use an inhaler and you don t need it?

The bronchodilator inhaler, also referred to as “reli?ver medication”, is used to relieve spasms in the airway muscles. If you don’t have these spasms, Ventolin inhaler will have zero effect on the airways. Nothing happens. However, the adverse effects can be observed.

Do inhalers help with coughing?

Asthma relieve inhalers soothe the airways and suppress the need to cough. If an inhaler such as Ventolin doesn’t help, and the cough gets worse, it’s important to see a medical specialist again and see if there are other factors causing cough, such as hidden infection.

Can inhalers make your breathing worse?

Ventolin inhalers as well as similar-working treatments are known to cause sometimes what is referred to in medicine as paradoxical bronchospasm. Meaning, your breathing and/or wheezing will get even worse after taking the medication. Paradoxical bronchospasm is very risky and may even be life-threatening. Immediately see your medical specialist right if you have coughing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, or wheezing after using the Ventolin inhaler.

Are there alternatives to Ventolin

Ventolin is a version of the medicine called Salbutamol. This med is also manufactured by other companies across the globe under different names (the most common alternative is Albuterol). It may also be available simply as Salbutamol.

It may be sold in the three variations:

  • pill,
  • injection,
  • inhaler.

Ventolin: alternative treatments to

There are alternative medications that work in a similar way:

  • Maxair. This medications lasts for the approximately the same time as Ventolin does.
  • Advair. This medication has even longer lasting effects on the target cells in the lungs.
  • Antrovent. This medication is recommended and prescribed as an alternative in case you are unable to take any medication that has an action on your beta-5 cell receptors (this is where Ventolin belongs to.)

The alternatives to Ventolin may be also advised in case:

  • You are experiencing adverse effects upon taking Ventolin.
  • Some medications may cause allergic effects while other similar may not cause these.
  • You show the improved compatibility overall with a particular medication.

Disclaimer: The information about products available on the site is not presented for the purposes of self-medicating. Before initiating a therapy course of any kind, it is necessary to get consulted and examined by a licensed healthcare practitioner. does not claim to present complete data on the drugs offered here. Any errors or incomplete information and misunderstandings resulting from it therefore cannot be viewed as liability of the site management.